Pavements remind us of various materials. Such as stone, mosaic, ceramic, parquet, and bricks. These are a massive group of pavements used in buildings—each of their technical and quality specifications. Determine the type of their application. Pavements are a product that becomes durable and reliable during the stages of formation, drying clay, and baking at high temperatures. The raw materials of the product are shale or ore. Pavements are classified in abrasion resistance – in this classification; insoles are divided into three categories in terms of abrasion resistance. Pavement brick types one traffic-heavy vehicle, and the second type of pavements sidewalks or streets of public places. The third type of pavement for residential yards low traffic environments.

Colorfastness is one of the most significant advantages of shale pavements. The color shale pavements are the natural color of the shale stone and have not been added as a pigment or synthetic dye. Naver fades more beautifully, pavements are baked at 1100 degrees Celsius, and these are one of the most potent pavements. At the same time, most designers had accepted the maximum compressive strength of 562 kg/cm2 as an industry standard. Shale pavements allow architects to create exciting various flat designs for all users. For both those who are visually impaired and those who are visually impaired.